We advise our users to read these general terms and conditions carefully before browsing or using our website (www.peruso.ch). The website (“website”, “site”) is owned and operated by PERUSO GmbH (“PERUSO”, “we”, “us”, “the company”). By accessing our website, downloading or uploading and material for information to and / or from it, you will be deemed as agreeing to be bound by these general terms and conditions of service, as well as all applicable local Swiss and international laws regulations and norms. If you do not agree with these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site.
PERUSO may at any time modify these terms and conditions at its sole discretion without notifying you. Your continued access and use of the site will be subject to the terms and conditions valid at the time of said access. For this reason, we advise our users to frequently review this terms and conditions page as continued use of the website will be deemed as acceptance of the updated terms and conditions.
Although PERUSO makes all efforts to continually update the information and content displayed on our site regularly and to ensure the accuracy of the published information, no warranty can be given regarding the accuracy, reliability, validity or completeness of the information therein.
PERUSO reserves the right to alter or remove any content, in full or in part, without prior notice. No date or information displayed on the site (whether posted by PERUSO, its direct/indirect subsidiaries or affiliated companies) should be taken as advice. All content and material are offered solely for informational purposes.
In no event will PERUSO be liable for any loss or damage of a material or immaterial nature arising from access to, use or non-use of published information or from misuse of the connection or technical faults on our site.
Links to third party websites lie outside the scope of responsibility of PERUSO, and as such, shall PERUSO not be held liable for any information contained on any third party websites. PERUSO expressly states that it has no influence whatsoever over the content of any linked site. Access and use of such websites occur entirely at the user's own risk, and responsibility for information and services of linked sites rests entirely with the relevant third parties. Furthermore, the existence of any link to a third party website, either to or from this website, does not imply PERUSO’s endorsement of the site. The user agrees to relieve PERUSO from any responsibility or indemnity for any harm, loss or damages, whether direct or indirect, arising out of the use of linked third party websites or the information displayed therein.
All intellectual property rights and copyrights of all texts, logos, materials, content and data made available on the site (collectively "materials") are owned by PERUSO, or PERUSO is the authorised licensee. PERUSO is the lawful user thereof, and PERUSO’s rights are protected by international and Swiss intellectual property laws. As such, any unauthorised reproduction, copying, distribution, retransmission, sale, dissemination, publication, or other exploitation or circulation of the materials will constitute an infringement of such intellectual property rights and copyright laws. For the reproduction or use of any materials or elements contained in this website, the written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance.
The logos, names, trademarks and service marks (collectively "trademarks") displayed on the website are the registered and unregistered trademarks of PERUSO. Nothing displayed on the site should be interpreted as granting any license or rights to use any trademark without prior written permission from PERUSO.
Any information transmitted via the internet is susceptible to monitoring and interception. PERUSO reserves the right to utilise independent verification in compliance with all applicable laws of any content or information transmitted. The user of this website consents to such verification should PERUSO deem it necessary. The user agrees not to use the site to post or send any message, content or material that is unlawful, defamatory, indecent, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, sexually orientated, racially offensive, or which violates any applicable Swiss and international laws.
PERUSO makes no warranties, representations, statements or guarantees (whether express, implied in law or residual) regarding the site. To the extent permitted by Swiss law, PERUSO can not be held responsible for any loss, liability, damage, expense or personal injury, whether direct or indirect, of any kind whatsoever which may or has been suffered by you or any third party, as a result of your access or use of the site and any content contained within it. Furthermore, you waive any and all claims which you may hold against PERUSO in this regard.
If one or more provisions of these terms and conditions are or become ineffective or unenforceable, either in whole or in part, this will not affect the applicability, effectiveness and / or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions and the services provided by PERUSO. In such a case, PERUSO will replace the invalid or unfeasible provision with a valid and feasible one that comes as close as possible to the intended purpose of the provision to be replaced. The same applies in the event of an omission in the terms and conditions.
Swiss law applies exclusively to these terms and conditions and any disputes arising under, or in connection with these terms and conditions and the services provided by PERUSO GmbH, excluding the rules of conflict of laws and provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any disputes are the courts of Switzerland; however, PERUSO GmbH is entitled to bring action in the country where the user is domiciled, or a subsidiary of PERUSO is based.
PERUSO GmbH is a company registered in Switzerland. The company and the company's website, its brand and logo are owned and operated by PERUSO GmbH. For any questions relating to our terms and conditions, privacy and cookie policies, ethical standards and / or any queries of any sort relating to our business or our website, please get in touch with us via the following details:
PERUSO GmbHThis privacy and cookie policy was last updated on January 1st 2022
Peruso© 2022. All Rights Reserved
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