PERUSO is committed to conducting our business responsibly to positively impact the environment and the communities instrumental in our industry, aligning our company practices with globally recognised sustainability principles.

As a valued customer of PERUSO fine jewellery, you can be confidently reassured that comprehensive measures are taken to ensure the products we sell do not include conflict diamonds. Our operating procedures are designed so that PERUSO's supply chain is free of any contribution to conflict or human rights abuses. We are committed to global, best-practice standards for our entire supply and production chain, incorporating legal requirements, UN guiding principles, and a process of continual due diligence and procedural improvement.


We are fully committed to a conflict-free supply chain, and our dedication to our product and brand integrity is at the core of how we do business. We believe the beauty of a diamond is measured not only in its spectacular appearance but by the care it receives all along its lifetime from source to customer. If a diamond does not meet our rigorous quality standards, it is rejected and sent back to market.

Grading oversight and quality validation are paramount, and the GIA independently verifies all of our diamonds directly at the source of our supply. We rigorously inspect our stones and the quality of our jewellery in our offices in Switzerland.

We carefully check each diamond to make sure it meets PERUSO’s high standards of clarity, cut, carat and colour, and if anything detracts from the beauty of the stone, we will not send the piece out to our clients.


All countries with substantial involvement in the diamond trade committed to a global verification and certification system to monitor the import and export of rough diamonds mined from January 1, 2003. This system aims to prevent criminals from introducing contraband diamonds mined in African combat zones into the legitimate supply chain.

Since 2003, the KPCS, supported by national and international legislation, has sought to certify the legitimate origin of uncut diamonds. Today, the Kimberley Process (KP) has 56 participants, representing 82 countries (with the EU as a single participant), accounting for more than 99% of the global rough diamond production and trade.

Both Switzerland and all the countries our suppliers are based in have adopted the KPCS. The KPCS mandates that each shipment of rough diamonds be stored in a tamper resistant container and be accompanied by a government-validated certificate. The certificate has a unique identifying number that pertains to data describing the contents of that particular shipment. Participating nations have pledged to impound or turn back shipments lacking proper certification, as well as rough diamonds from any nations that fail to subscribe to the KPCS standards. Any nation declining to participate is effectively barred from the international diamond trade; learn more at

PERUSO welcomed this significant development and actively supports the system designed to safeguard our brand’s integrity. PERUSO complies with the Kimberley Process and requires all our suppliers of diamonds and diamond jewellery to provide us with their warranty that they do not supply or deal in conflict diamonds.


Participant countries in the KPCS are required to have internal systems and controls to prevent the supply chain of legitimate diamonds from being permeated with conflict diamonds and must carry out annual compliance audits. In addition, participants to the KPCS may only trade with counterparts who themselves too have met the minimum requirements of the certification system.

To supplement the governmental program, the International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) and the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB), who represent almost all substantial traders and processors in the industry; have committed to a regimen of self-regulation consisting of a system of warranties to accompany invoices covering the sale of rough and polished diamonds as well as diamond jewellery. This system applies to all diamonds mined after December 31, 2002, and the jewellery they are incorporated in.


All the diamonds PERUSO buys are sourced from KPCS compliant countries and are warranted as such. Brands that support the Kimberley Process must buy diamonds and diamond jewellery from dealers and manufacturers who adhere to this system of warranties. These warranties assure PERUSO that our suppliers vouch for the legitimacy of the products and that, in turn, the supplier has required the same warranty from their sources of inventory.


Currently, all of PERUSO’s suppliers are certified members of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). Suppliers that are certified RJC members receive scheduled audits by independent third-party firms as part of a rigorous and wholesome RJC Code of Practices certification process. In addition, all of our suppliers are licensed within their domiciled jurisdiction to deal in raw diamonds and precious metals - for all suppliers, purchase order terms and conditions include statements regarding compliance with all laws. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, our suppliers confirm their understanding and agreement to these compliance standards.


PERUSO GmbH is a company registered in Switzerland. The company and the company's website, its brand and logo are owned and operated by PERUSO GmbH. For any questions relating to our ethical standards, terms and conditions, privacy and cookie policies and / or any queries of any sort relating to our business or our website, please get in touch with us via the following details:


Chamerstrasse 12A,
6300 Züg, ‍

‍ email address:‍
[email protected]


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